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09.09.2011, 10:14

Диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией.


  1. Start the dialogue by explaining the situation.

Hello, do you remember that …, we need to/ have to choose… when…/where…/what…/how…

Have you thought about it?

  1. Come up with suggestion. Support your suggestion with an argument.

It might be a good idea to …, because …

Why don’t we … It might be an amazing opportunity to see/enjoy/get…

I would suggest –ing

  1. Ask your partner’s opinion.

What do you think of it?        Do  you agree?

            I think (it might work/be interesting)…, don’t you? (tag-questions)

  1. React to your partner’s argument (agree/disagree) and give your argument or counterargument.

      Agreement: I couldn’t agree with you more.

      I agree. Besides, …

      You are right, moreover …

      Polite disagreement: I see what you mean, but don’t forget…

      I don’t think that’s really true.                     

      I’m not sure that I agree with that.           

      Yes, but don’t forget…                              

      I (don’t) think so.                                       

      On the other hand…                                  

      I am afraid, I am not quite with you.         

      No, I’m sorry, but could you explain why? (raising intonation)

      I partly agree with you.

            That’s true in a way.              That’s true to some extent, but…

            You are right up to a point, but …

  1. Come up with the second suggestion. Support your suggestion with an argument.

            I can also suggest … –ing,… because… As a result …Compared to…

            I’ve got another suggestion/idea.

            Ask your partner’s opinion.

      I  think…, don’t you? (tag-questions) (raising intonation)

      I don’t think…, do you? (tag-questions) (raising intonation)

      Do you agree? (raising intonation)

  1. React to your partner’s argument (agree/disagree) and give your argument or counterargument.
  2. Invite your partner to make a suggestion.

      Do you have any suggestions/ideas? (raising intonation)

  1. React to your partner’s suggestion (agree/disagree) and give your argument or counterargument.
  2.  Come up with the last suggestion. Support your suggestion with an argument.
  3.  Make a decision.

            I (still) think/feel/guess/bet/believe/reckon/suppose that …would be the best choice…because        …(it will be unforgettable experience)      

            If you don’t mind I would suggest … (your choice).

            If you agree I would suggest … (your choice).

            Let’s agree on this.


-          You shouldn’t agree all the time with your partner. Once or twice insist on your suggestion, adding one more argument or counterargument, supporting your suggestion. Then you may say: ‘I see what you mean/you’ve got a point/may be you are right’.

-          Your decision must be logical. It means that you must choose the option that have been supported with the strongest arguments.

Useful phrases:

Expressing likes/dislikes

I (quite/really/particularly/don’t) like /enjoy/live … -ing

I’m (quite/really/particularly/not) keen on … -ing

I personally prefer …-ing/I (don’t) fancy …-ing

Expressing opinion

In my opinion…/in my view…/ from my point of view…/ if you ask me …

Expressing doubt

I’m (not) sure this will be a good choice.

I doubt it will work.

It will, probably, be a good idea/work.

Expressing regret

If I was … , I would …/I wish we could …/I wish we were…

Unfortunately, we can’t afford to (buy/go) …

Giving an argument

As a result (it will be a waste of time/we won’t be able to enjoy…/to complete the task/everyone will be bored…)

Compared to the (another option) this choice will allow to …/will give us an opportunity to …

Useful adjectives:

nature: + unspoilt, fantastic, wonderful, picturesque,…


view:   +  magnificent, breathtaking, superb, fantastic, wonderful, picturesque, lovely, amazing, fabulous, gorgeous, impressive, scenic, spectacular, striking, unspoilt …

        awful, spoilt (by shabby buildings), ugly, unsightly …

place:    +   lovely, superb, fantastic, wonderful, comfortable, amazing, exotic, spacious, historic, fabulous, spectacular, romantic, world-class, cosy …   

        awful, polluted, noisy, stuffy, smoky, overcrowded, bustling (very busy and with many people)…

feelings (to be/feel): + excited, relaxed, moved, comfortable, …

        bored, uncomfortable, nervous, terrified, exhausted, ill at ease…

experience: +  unforgettable, exciting, fantastic, amazing, fabulous, …

                   – awful, horrible, terrifying, bitter, painful, practical, positive…                        

atmosphere: + relaxed, friendly, comfortable, cosy, warm, … 

                       – uncomfortable, tense, heavy,…

people (appearance):  +  attractive, classy, elegant, good-looking, smart, striking, stunning, stylish, graceful…

        ugly, plain, unattractive…

people (personality): + careful, communicative, easygoing, considerate, creative, powerful, reasonable, reliable, sensible, sensitive, sociable, sophisticated, sympathetic, tolerant, generous, tactful, witty…    

                                  – bad-tempered, careless, impatient, individualistic, insensitive, intolerant, moody, nasty, reckless, selfish, unreliable, greedy, tactless,…

                               +/ – adventurous, ambitious, competitive, outgoing, practical, emotional, reserved, romantic, shy, sentimental, …

buildings: + modern, elegant, impressive, magnificent, spacious, stylish …

                  – unsightly, shabby, run-down, ugly …

 music:  +  catchy, dramatic, lively, moving , romantic, rhythmic …

                tedious, monotonous, sinister, sentimental …

size: + enormous, huge, tremendous, spacious, vast, gigantic …

        – tiny, miniature, small, petite …

jobs: + demanding, challenging, exciting,…

        tiring, hard, boring, time-consuming, thankless …

+/ - odd, part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent…

During the preparation work with these lists creatively, cross out the words that you may not like and add some of your favorite. It is important to show off your vocabulary and get maximum points.

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